Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Song Dedication #2

For this weeks song dedication, I am dedicated the Fall Out Boy song The (After) Life of the Party to my good friend Eliana. Fall Out Boy is one of both mine and Eliana’s favorite bands. In fact we even saw them in concert together (where they were awesome and used tons of fire to elevate their show). Many times, with Fall Out Boy, it is very difficult to understand their lyrics. In fact people have made many YouTube videos with the wrong words to Sugar We’re Going Down you can see one of the silliest here.  So the reason that I chose this song has nothing to do with the lyrics. I chose it because my friend Eliana is always the life of the party. I know that the title has the word “after” in it, but FOB’s titles are always so bizarre that I think we should just ignore that other word. In fact, most of the time, FOB’s song titles have little or nothing to do with their actual song content. Songs like Grand Theft Autumn, or Disloyal Order of the Water Buffalos, or A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More Touch Me have nothing to do with their songs. In fact, most of FOB’s songs have to do with relationships or women. My Freshman English teacher always said that the title is what keeps people interested in a song, or a research paper. But these titles, while interesting, cannot be understood within the song itself. But I digress.  When Eliana comes into the room the party usually starts, even if it’s just a few people Eliana knows exactly what to say and has the best stories to immediately liven up any conversation. So in honor of her always being the shining life of the party, and the fact that FOB has such awesome entertaining tunes which we both so enjoy, I dedicate this song to you Eliana.

1 comment:

  1. YAY, I got the second dedication!!!!!!!!
    Thank you so much Yael! I love this song dedication, it was so sweet of you and everything you said means so much to me!
    I so totally want to win another one -though I'll be nice and let some other people go first ;)
    Looking forward to our next concert together!
