“I’m kinda like Tinkerbell; If you don’t clap for me I’ll die” -Lady Gaga
First off, let me tell you ten truths about Lady Gaga’s Monsters Ball. 1) Lady Gaga is an awesome, amazing, and talented live performer. 2) There are scantily clad men either dancing behind her, playing the guitar or making out on stage at all times. 3) She carries a disco stick, and it is not what it seems to be from the suggestive song lyrics. It looks like a Nimbus 2000 that lights up and sparkles. 4) She loves New York as much as she loves Italian men who are also alcoholics. 5) She has a serious potty mouth which I was pretty surprised about since in all the interviews she doesn’t really show that side of her. For example Gaga yelled “Put your hands in the air and dance mother f***ers” and “There’s a lot of big c**k in New York!” 6) In case you were curious, she does not lip synch (she told the audience “she would never have anyone pay for one of her concerts just to see her lip synch a mother f***ing song.”7) She plays her own instruments (keytar and piano) during the show. 8) She has a flair for theatrics and treats the concert as a long story, with a semi understandable plot, and many many crazy costume changes. 9) Gaga is a crazy Christian who loves Jesus and continued to shower his name with love throughout the concert “Jesus loves everybody!!”10) She played one additional song from her new album and it was legendary.
Knowing those things, this was probably one of the craziest most out of control and awesome concerts I’ve ever been to. Lady Gaga opened her show with Dance in the Dark, a surprisingly bold choice. Every concert I’ve ever been to the band/performer always opens with their most recent song. However Gaga chose to open her concert not only with a song that wasn’t her most recent, but one that wasn’t even a radio single! Her choice stemmed from the fact that she was telling a tale of a group of people who needed to get to the Monsters ball. This group of friends was all different and unique in their own way, and needed Lady Gaga to empower them and tell them that they can be anyone they want to be because they are all “superstars.” Empowerment was clearly the theme of the night because Gaga kept pausing in between songs to talk about how you can be whatever you want. Quotes were “Tonight all of the freaks are OUTSIDE! And IM INDOORS!” and “Monsters Ball will SET YOU FREE!” etc. She continued her set withGlitter and Grease, her friends tried to wash a car only to open up the hood and find a piano there (genius!). She then sang Just Dancean immediate crowd pleaser and ultimately really showcased how amazing of a dancer she is. She continued with Beautiful Dirty Richand asked for everyone to point their fingers and shoot.Next Gaga changed from her puffy sleeve onesie into a red latex number (complete with headdress) and sang The Fame. At this point the friend’s car broke down and they needed to take the subway. So on stage a subway car appeared with Lady Gaga dressed as a naughty nun (nun attire from her head to her shoulders, andsee through mesh from her shoulders down with crosses covering her private areas). She began to sing Love Game after taking off her nun gear and she brought out her disco stick for all to see. She then sang to her “New York City Gays” a rousing rendition ofBoys Boys Boys.Gaga then changed into a sparkling black bikini and fishnets for her next few numbers. First up: Money Honey replete with Keytar. Next she did something really cool. She called on a cell phone a random fan in the audience and told them they were going to meet her backstage, then she was like: “wait I have another call, oh, It’s B” and then launched into an amazing performance of Telephone. She then took a break to sing some more serious songs. First up: Speechless(my personal favorite). In the middle of the performance she told us all about growing up in an Italian family and loving men who love their alcohol. She also explained that she usually likes to set her piano on fire at the end of this number, however the NYC fire department wouldn’t let her. She said normally in a concert venue, if she was told this shed say “Ill burn this whole F***ing place to the ground!” but because of her love and respect for the brave men of the NYC fire department she will let it slide. Next she sang a song from her new album and probably my most favorite performance of the night. The song is called You and I (I posted the video below) and it is a love song. She sang the song as a love song to New York but it seemed more like a song to someone. I guess I’ll have to wait for the album version to decipher the songs real meaning. On this song she showed incredible vocal ability and piano playing ability. It reminded me of the time I saw Ben Folds with my friend Shalini and he played the piano with such ferocity that he actually played a second piano with his feet. After this amazing performance the friends continued on their “glitter way” but were taken away by a “tornado” (read elaborate way to hide a costume change). As the “tornado” lifted Gaga appeared in a Glinda the good witch type white outfit with headpiece and wings and sang So Happy I could Die. The Little Monsters group were then thrust into the bowels of Central Park and attacked by aMonster who ate Gaga’s heart (as the song says). Note at this point she had fake blood on her stomach and a large red blob where her heart would be. She then made everyone show their Teeth in response. One of my favorite lines of the night was said as Gaga lay on the floor and thrust her hips in the air while wanting people to show her teeth. She said “Jesus loves everybody,” Then introduced us to her friend Michael. She said “Michael is from Germany. I like Michael because he loves girls from New York; Michael also loves boys from New York. Michael is like Jesus. He loves everybody!” Once she finished her thrusting she lay down on the floor and called out to Alejandroand did probably her best dance performance of the night. It was an amazing performance. Unfortunately Jason and I had to leave before she performed her next four numbers Poker Face, Paparazzi, Bad Romance and Born This Way. But I look forward to watching the continued journey of Gaga and her Little Monsters down the Glitter Way and towards empowerment on the HBO special airing of the Lady Gaga Monsters Ball concert.
amazing!!! sounds like an incredible concert and that you really enjoyed!